Gnoli Felicitation Volume (fwd)

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Fri Feb 1 21:54:29 UTC 2002

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 14:48:49 +0200
From: raffaele torella <torella at>
To: ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Subject: Gnoli Felicitation Volume

Dear Dominik,
I should like to inform the members of Indology that the volume in
honour of Raniero Gnoli that I have edited has just come out. Many
members of the list are among the contributors.

Thank you very much!

Prof. Raffaele Torella
Chair of Sanskrit
Dipartimento di Studi Orientali
Universita di Roma 'La Sapienza'
fax +39 06 4451209


Studi in onore di Raniero Gnoli nel suo 70° compleanno


con la collaborazione di Claudio Cicuzza, Marino Faliero, Bruno Lo Turco,
Francesco Sferra, Vincenzo Vergiani

e la partecipazione di Alvar González-Palacios

SOR XCII, 1/2, Roma 2001, due volumi indivisibili, 1010 pagine, EUR 165,00

Distribuito da Herder, International Book centre,
120, Piazza Montecitorio, 00186 Roma, Italy.

In Italia da Libreria Distributrice Degrassi,
61/a, Via Fonteiana, 00152 Roma.

In India, Bangladesh, Nepal e Sri Lanka da Munshiram Manoharlal,
Publishers (P) Ltd., Post Box 5715 54, Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi 110055.

Indice generale

Magistro eidemque fratri d. (Gh. Gnoli)
Prologo (R. Torella)
Bibliografia selezionata di Raniero Gnoli

Le parole

Bakker, Hans: The Archaeological Site of Mansar. An Iconological Approach
to Indian History: an Example

Baldissera, Fabrizia: The Satire of Tantric Figures in Some Works of

Bansat-Boudon, Lyne: «Nandyante sutradharah», Contribution d'Abhinavagupta
à la question de la bénédiction liminaire dans le théâtre

Bhattacharya, Kamaleshwar: Laksana, Laksana, and Apophaticism in Sankara's
Commentary on Taittiriyopanisad II, 1

Boccali, Giuliano: L'immagine dei monti fra itihasa e kavya

Bongard-Levin, Gregory M.: Brahman Canakya in the Graeco-Roman Tradition

Bouy, Christian & Filliozat, Pierre-Sylvain: L'Amrtanadopanisad selon
Sankarananda, Dara Sukoh et Anquetil Duperron

Bronkhorst, Johannes: Mimamsa Versus Vaisesika. Parthasarathi and Kumarila
on the Creation and Dissolution of the World

Brunner, Hélène: Mantras et mantras dans les Tantras Sivaïtes

Cicuzza, Claudio: Il capitolo XXX del Samvarodayatantra

De Jong, Jan Willem: Buddha's First Meditation in the Lalitavistara

De Rossi Filibeck, Elena: Due fogli manoscritti da Tabo conservati nel
Fondo Tucci

Dvivedi, Vraj Vallabh: Tantresu vaidikakarmakandasya prabhavah

Forte, Antonino: The Five Kings of India and the King of Kucha who
according to the Chinese Sources went to Luoyang in 692

Franco, Eli: Dharmakirti's Reductionism in Religion and Logic

Funayama, Toru: On the date of Vinitadeva

Goodall, Dominic: The Saiddhantika Parakhyatantra, its Account of
Language, and the Interpolation of the Eighth Chapter of the Published

Granoff, Phyllis: Art and Religious Doctrine: Some Comments on the Hidden
and Secret in Medieval Indian Religious Tradition

Grönbold, Günther: "Saptavara". A Dharani Collection from Nepal

Hahn, Michael: Text-Critical Remarks on Aryasura's Mahisa- and
Satapattrajataka (Studies in Aryasura's Jatakamala. III)

Hanneder, Jürgen: Sahib Kaul's Presentation of Pratyabhijna Philosophy in
his Devinamavilasa

Hara, Minoru: Hindu Concepts of Anger: manyu and krodha

Hattori, Masaaki: The Problem of Grammatical Gender in the apoha Theory

Isaacson, Harunaga: Ratnakarasanti's Hevajrasahajasadyoga (Studies in
Ratnakarasanti's Tantric works I)

Krasser, Helmut: On the Dates and Works of Sankaranandana

Jambuvijaya, Muni: Anuyogadvarasutravivaranesu granthantarebhya uddhrtah

Lo Turco, Bruno: Moksopaya III.25

Maggi, Mauro: Three Indian Loanwords in Khotanese

Orofino, Giacomella: Notes on the Early Phases of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism

Padoux, André: Sambapancasika. Les cinquante strophes de Samba [à la
gloire du soleil]

Pellegrini Sannino, Agata: A proposito del Buddha e della sua

Pensa, Corrado: Osservazioni circa l'investigazione meditativa (Satipanna)
nell'opera di Achan Maha Boowa

Piano, Stefano: A proposito del Kaccit-Prasna sul Raja-Dharma: appunti per
un'edizione critica

Piantelli, Mario: Riletture "spiritualizzate" degli anga dello Yoga

Pingree, David: Ravikas in Indian Astronomy and the Kalacakra

Radicchi, Anna: Rileggendo Natyasastra VI-VII

Scherrer-Schaub, Cristina A.: Contre le libertinage. Un opuscule de Tabo
adressé aux tantristes hérétiques?

Seyfort Ruegg, David : A note on the Relationship between Buddhist and
'Hindu' Divinities in Buddhist Literature and Iconology: the
laukika/lokottara Contrast and the Notion of an Indian 'Religious

Sferra, Francesco: La Tantravatadhanika di Abhinavagupta

Slaje, Walter: Observations on the Making of the Yogavasistha (caitta,
nanartha and vah)

Snellgrove, David: The Relationship of Buddhism to the Royal Brahmanical
Cult in the Khmer Empire

Steinkellner, Ernst: Is the Ultimate Cognition of the Yogin Conceptual or
Non-conceptual? Part 1: A Critical Edition of the Tantristic Tattvasiddhi,
Final Section

Torella, Raffaele: The Word in Abhinavagupta's Brhad-Vimarsini

Torricelli, Fabrizio: Zhang Lo-Tsa-Ba's Introduction to the Aural
Transmission of Samvara

Wezler, Albrecht: On Vallabhadeva's Characterization of the Meghaduta as a

I marmi

Introduzione (A. González-Palacios)

Del Bufalo, Dario: Il granito della Colonna

Giuliano, Antonio: Manda en Costentinnoble et en Alixandre pour Homes Grex
et Sarazins

González-Palacios, Alvar: Le origini della Tarsia in marmi colorati: quel
che si sa e qualcosa che non si sa

Heikamp, Detlef: Zum Herkules und Kakus von Baccio Bandinelli

Elenco degli autori

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