Publication announcement
Walter Slaje
slaje at T-ONLINE.DE
Tue Dec 3 08:32:00 UTC 2002
The third volume in the series "Geisteskultur Indiens" has just been released:
Peter Stephan, Erloesung im Spannungsfeld von aktivem Leben und Entsagung. Eine Studie zu Sankaras Exegese der Bhagavadgita. [Geisteskultur Indiens. Texte und Studien. 3. (Indologica Halensis)] Aachen 2002. 172 S. ISBN 3-8322-0884-4. Euro 30,80
For online orders or for free review copies please contact Shaker Publishers:
This study (in the German language) concentrates on a peculiar dilemma, namely the conflict between observing (e.g. violent) duties prescribed for an active life on the one hand, and, on the other, escaping the danger of negative soteriological consequences caused by them. Sankara develops a solution to this svadharma/moksa conflict in his exegesis (Bhasya) of the Bhagavadgita. His peculiar solution and the exegetical strategies through which he achieved his aim will be found elaborated in the present study. All passages from Sankara´s Bhagavadgita-Bhasya which are relevant for the subject are topically analysed in this study to which romanised texts and translations are appended in full on facing pages.
Kind regards,
Walter Slaje
Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
Hermann-Löns-Str. 1, D-99425 Weimar (Germany)
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