Parmenides and the Chandogya

John Brockington J.L.Brockington at ED.AC.UK
Wed Sep 26 13:19:22 UTC 2001

on 18/9/01 2:10 pm, Ferenc Ruzsa wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> I am writing an article comparing Parmenides and the sadvidyA (6th chapter,
> the dialog between zvetaketu and uddAlaka AruNi) of the chAndogya upaniSad.
> Has there been anything important or interesting written on this in the past
> half century?
> Thank you for any hint,
> Ferenc
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Ferenc Ruzsa, PhD
> associate professor of philosophy
> Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
> e-mail: f_ruzsa at

My apologies for a rather late response to this enquiry (I was away at the
2nd Kraków Conference on Indian Studies till Monday evening).

There is a relevant article by Mislav Jezic [z with hacek, c with accent]:
"Parmenides and Uddalaka" in Synthesis Philosophica 14.2, 1992, pp. 427-440
(the journal is published by the Croatian Philosophical Society).

John Brockington

Professor J. L. Brockington
Secretary General, International Association of Sanskrit Studies

Sanskrit, School of Asian Studies
7 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh   EH8 9LW        U.K.

tel:  +131 650 4174
fax: +131 651 1258

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