Arya samaj adversaries?
Peter Friedlander
p.friedlander at LATROBE.EDU.AU
Mon Sep 24 01:12:54 UTC 2001
Dear List members,
I am working on the 1891 Indian census report and I have come across the
following in reference to the Arya Samaj.
"It has achieved the first step towards success in the possession of an
adversary, a " religion " started by a personal enemy of its founder. The
new faith was proclaimed on the occasion of the Jubilee of Her Majesty, at
Lahore, and is now estimated to have 190 followers. It publishes three,
periodicals and a shower of tracts, mostly directed against its rival. The
latter is not slow to retort, and as both parties are recruited chiefly from
the officio-cleric community, to whom composition is a recreation, the
amount of literature produced, in proportion to the number of the faithful,
is enormous."
Can anybody tell me who these adversaries were?
Dr Peter G. Friedlander
Open Learning Buddhism/Hindi Co-ordinator
Asian Studies
La Trobe University, VIC 3086
Tel: (03) 9479 2064
Fax: (03) 9479 1880
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