new version of the digital Zaanti

Muneo TOKUNAGA mtokunag at BUN.KYOTO-U.AC.JP
Tue Sep 11 02:25:11 UTC 2001

Dear Subscribers,

For long it was in my mind to revise completely the digital text of
the Zaantiparvan, the poorest part of my ``Machine-readable Text of
the Mahaabhaarata for Word-search,'' released in 1994 (many typing
mistakes besides uncapitalized cerebrals). This summer I read this
Parvan for my own study and revised the whole text. The text is not
perfect yet but I believe it was considerably improved. More than
10,000 letters were retyped. The new version (m12.2.e) is downloadable

With best regards,

                                      Muneo TOKUNAGA
                                   Professor of Sanskrit
                                Graduate School of Letters
                                     Kyoto University
                                   Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City
                              Japan (postal code: 606-8501)
                                   Tel/Fax: 075-753-2778
                             email: mtokunag at

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