address change

Akihiko Akamatsu aakamat at BUN.KYOTO-U.AC.JP
Mon Sep 3 08:37:07 UTC 2001

Dear friends and colleagues,

I have joined the Kyoto University faculty from 1st of April 2001,
and thus want to alert you to my new address, phone and e-mail.

Akihiko Akamatsu
Professor of History of Indian Philosophy
Graduate School of Letters
Kyoto University
Yoshida, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto 606-8501, JAPAN

phone: +81-75-753-2822
e-mail: aakamat at

By this small informaition, I wanted to notify members of
New Indology of my new e-mail address.

Yours sincerely

--- akihiko

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