Mnemonics in Ancient India

George Thompson GthomGt at CS.COM
Tue Oct 23 16:41:42 UTC 2001

Hello again Mahadevan,

Discussion of ortho-epic diasceuasis and of a kind of padapATha in Avestan
begins with several aricles by Karl Hoffmann, which are collected in his
*Aufsaetze zur Indo-Iranistik* [1975], as well as in the essay "Altiranisch"
in *Handbuch der Orientalistik [Erste Abteilung, Vierter Band*, on Iranistik
[1958].  There is some discussion, in English, also in his article in the
Encyclopaedia Iranica on "Avestan Language."

Humbach in his 1991 edition of the Gathas and other Old Avestan texts
discusses phenomena such as prefix repetition and sandhi in the Gathas.  See
also the edition of Kellens and Pirart: *Les textes vieil-avestiques* [esp.
volume One, 1988].

Hope that helps!

George Thompson

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