ManusmRti website

John Brockington J.L.Brockington at ED.AC.UK
Tue Nov 20 09:18:01 UTC 2001

A posting below from McComas Taylor, forwarded through me because he has had
problems posting direct.

John Brockington

Professor J. L. Brockington
Secretary General, International Association of Sanskrit Studies

Sanskrit, School of Asian Studies
7 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh   EH8 9LW        U.K.

tel:  +131 650 4174
fax: +131 651 1258


New "Laws of Manu" Website

Dear Friends

I have established a new 'Laws of Manu' website with the following

A bilingual Devanagari-English text with  the Sanskrit text of  M.YANO and
which is based on 'ManusmRti with the Sanskrit Commentary
Manvartha-Muktaavalii of Kulluuka
BhaTTa', ed. J.L.Shastri (1983) and 'The Laws of Manu' translated by George
Bühler (Sacred Books of the East, Volume 25). The text is in both PDF and
Word format.

The devanagari text alone

The English text alone.

Please visit the site at




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