SanAtana Dharma

Valerie J Roebuck vjroebuck at APPLEONLINE.NET
Wed Mar 28 06:32:33 UTC 2001

This sounds unlikely. Young British women of that period were great cinema
goers, and knew a good deal about Americans from Hollywood films.  (Not
much to do with Indology, I know, but when has that ever stopped us?)

Valerie J Roebuck
Manchester, UK

Venkatraman Iyer writes

>Agehananda Bharati also writes elsewhere in the same paper:
>" During World War II many English girls befriended by
>black G.I.s thought they were American Indians. It is
>said that whenever a British girl asked a soldier,
>"are you American Indian" he would say "yea, yea, babe,
>American Indian." There was, in that ad hoc hierarchy,
>nothing wrong with being black, but American Indian
>was a notch nobler, and more productive."

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