On the light side...Vedic CDROMs

Venkat Kesaraju kevenkat at YAHOO.COM
Tue Mar 27 00:14:50 UTC 2001

HA Ha HA Ha Ha

Great !!!! I loved the post. I am waiting for more. We
could do with some humor in this forum- if it does not
offend anybody.

--- Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
<reimann at UCLINK4.BERKELEY.EDU> wrote:
> The following is not to be taken seriously.
> _____________________
> At 11:49 PM 12/11/2000 -0600, Claude Setzer wrote:
> >What if there had been well made CD-ROM's in Vedic
> Times??????????
> Oh, but there were!
> It's just that the technology was lost by the time
> of the BrAhmaNas.
> However, "The Cybernetic Code of the RomVeda"
> requires of an astute
> researcher not burdened by decades of boring
> linguistic scholarship.
> Surely, someone will rise up to the challenge soon
> enough.
> In the meantime, here are a few hints:
> The technology is attributed to Siddhi RAma, "The
> Rama of Fantastic Powers"
> (not to be confused with Parazu RAma, who came much,
> much later).
> It was esoterically known as "siddhiH om" which,
> thanks to sandhi, becomes
> "siddhir om." When repeated correctly, siddhir om,
> siddhirom, siddhirom, it
> granted the reciter the hidden powers (siddhis) to
> burn the disk.
> The modern term, Compact Disk, is nothing but a
> confused, garbled reading
> of modern Indologists. The original name, here
> restored for the first time,
> is KampakathA Dezika, "The Master of Trembling
> Tales" (the reason for such
> a name remains obscure).
> What do you think ViSNu's discus -his cakra-
> "really" represents?
> Best,
> Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
> University of California, Berkeley

10 Petunia Drive
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E-mail:kevenkat at yahoo.com,kevenkat at hotmail.com
       vkesaraju at axc.com

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