[David Magier <magier at columbia.edu>: SARAI has new address]
David Magier
magier at COLUMBIA.EDU
Mon Mar 26 15:36:11 UTC 2001
Dear South Asian Studies colleagues,
please note the new address for SARAI (South Asia Resource Access on
the Internet):
Please adjust all your SARAI bookmarks, and any links to SARAI you
might have on other pages, and please pass this news along to
Since SARAI has moved, the International Directory of South Asia
Scholars, where many of you are listed on the web, has also moved. Its
new direct address is:
Please type your name in the box (in the SEARCH IDSAS box) to see your
existing entry, and just email me any updates or changes. If for some
reason you are NOT listed (!), please compose an entry with the
following elements:
Mail address:
Short statement of activities, teaching and/or research interests, and
list of publications (including appropriate keywords and detailed
descriptions so that others can search for your entry):
Please browse the IDSAS to look at other people's entries (try keyword
search "Rajasthan") to get an idea of the appropriate content and
format of your entry. Then compose it and email it (plain text please,
no diacritics or fancy fonts or anything) to me for inclusion in the
Feel free to send questions.
All the best,
David Magier
South Asia Librarian, Columbia University
Editor of SARAI (and IDSAS)
P.S. It was nice to see many of you at the AAS meetings in Chicago!
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