Hindu holocaust site?

Samar Abbas abbas at IOPB.RES.IN
Sun Mar 25 08:21:21 UTC 2001

The following are websites alleging a `Hindu Holocaust':
-Hindu Holocaust Museum : www.mantra.com/holocaust/
-Hindu Holocaust Memorial Museum http://www.cul.com/holocaust/welcome.htm
-Where is ...? http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/9089/holocaust/
-HKush : http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/modern/hindu_kush.html

  Not just Hindutvadins, but Islamists claim 100million+ dead over 1500
years of constant war.The figure of 100million+ would include casualties
from both sides over 1500 years (626AD-2000) :

- The pre-Islamic Arab - Early Muslim (`1st Hindu-Muslim') conflict:5mill
- Shiah-Sunni (ie. `2nd Hindu-Muslim') war:20mill.
- Mongol-Arab (ie. `Hindu-Muslim') wars, with Genghis Khan as a
  `Hindu' or pagan who slaughtered Persian and Arab Muslims: 50 millions.
  Islam was almost destroyed by Hindus in this devastating conflict.
- Turkic-Hindi war of 1000 years: 30-100 million.

 Also, Shivaji, Genghis Khan, Halaku slaughtered millions of Muslims; the
Hindu Holocaust Museum makes no mention of these persons killed:
- http://www2.hawaii.edu/~rummel/DBG.CHAP3.HTM
- http://www.time.com/time/magazine/articles/0,3266,36506,00.html

 Incidentally, the bedoiun Arab-Early Muslim conflict is viewed as
the first Hindu-Muslim war:

 The pre-Islamic Arabs, referred to as `Kafirs' in the Quran are
considered to have been Hindus. The Koranic injunctions in favour of total
war against `Kafirs' is hence translated to mean total war against
`Hindus' by modern-day Talibans, who view the 1500 year Hindu-Muslim war
as one of good against darkness and evil. Hindutvadins believe the same,
except that they consider Islam as `total evil'.

Samar Abbas [ On Sat, 24 Mar 2001, Jesualdo Correia wrote:
> .. someone who asked whether I knew there is in the Internet a site
> about the "holocaust" the hindus ]

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