
Stefano Pellò giablik at LIBERO.IT
Fri Mar 16 00:33:10 UTC 2001

I am a graduate in Persian studies at Venice University, Italy, and I'm interested in three specific aspects of Persian culture in islamic India: Persian literature written by Hindus (e.g. the Chahar Chaman by Chandra Bhan Brahman), from either a linguistic or a religious point of view; interpretative works of Indian culture written in Persian by Muslims, such as the Tuhfat al-Hind by Mirza Khan b. Fakhr al-Din; traditional studies on Persian language written in India (in the field of lexicography, grammar, etc.), such as the works by Hansawi and Arzu. I would be grateful if you could suggest me names of scholars and/or centres involved in this kind of research, both in India (I'm going there in April) and Europe.
            Thank you in advance
            Yours sincerely,
                                     Stefano Pellò

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