SV: "Bagger Vance" & Doniger on the Gita

Prasad Velusamy prasad_velusamy at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 16 00:38:30 UTC 2001

Dr. Lars Fosse schrieb:
On the other hand, as a Hindu disagreeing strongly with Doniger, YOU
(or anybody sharing your opinions) have the right to speak out against
her, or to write and publish a rebuttal, showing why you think she is
wrong and criticizing her views on Hinduism (you would of course have
to find a publisher or newspaper willing to print your rebuttal).
Drexel university was not required to have a "counterspeaker". There
are countless venues for debate and statements in a free society,
from the simple soap-box to the university hall or newspaper front
page. Any theme such as Doniger's can be reiterated and redebated
anywhere in society. Your challenge is to do this in such a manner
that you convince.

A small clarification. As I mentioned in my original email,
this is part of the forwaded mail that I received.

As for defending Gita, there are many here and elsewhere.
Example, you might have seen Prof. Raman's rebuttal yesterday.


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