2 points to note

L. Suresh Kumar-LSK lskumar at SYMPATICO.CA
Mon Mar 12 16:41:44 UTC 2001


1. It is clearly a forwarded article.
Aditya made the first MISTAKE by attributing the article to me.

2. Aditya wrote
"You are just a faithful follower of Hitler ..."

I demand an unqualified apology from Aditya on this public forum.
I am not a supporter of Hitler, faithful or not.

3. This sort of personal accusations has to stop.
Hence, I also request the list owner to revoke the posting
privileges of Aditya for making such nauseating comments on others.

4. It needs to be reminded to Aditya that I am on this forum
for 99% solely to read and learn from the postings from many
distinguished scholars. Hence, an occasional posting from me !

- Suresh

----- Original Message -----
From: Aditya, the Cheerful HIndu Skeptic <aditya2 at MEDIAONE.NET>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Bamiyan, Ayodhya and Abuse of History

> Even  though this topic has been closed by the list owner "L. Suresh
> Kumar-LSK" <lskumar at SYMPATICO.CA> has written as follows:
> >If  that  is how the events  in Afghanistan have played out, then
> >comparing the shelling of the Buddha statues to the demolition of
> >Babri  Masjid  would  be  quite  in  order,  even  setting  aside
> >arguments   such  as   that   neither  the   antiquity  nor   the
> >artistic/archaeological  significance  of babri Masjid is a tenth
> >of that of Bamiyan statues.
> By his own argument if the artistic significance of Babri masjid was so
> trivial, what was the need to demolish it other than to attract world wide
> attention? In this sense both are the outcome of the same desire.
> >Is it that this logic is lost on Marxists? Certainly not.
> You are just a faithful follower of Hitler who called his opponents
> but signed a secret treaty with Stalin.
> ---
> Yours sincerely,
> Aditya Mishra
> Please note my new Primary email: aditya at cheerful.com
> Primary homepage: http://www.pompano.net/~aditya
> ICQ # 1131674 Phone #: (954)746-0442  Fax # (209)315-8571
> Random thought of the day:
> Never make anything simple and efficient when a way can be found
> to make it complex and wonderful.

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