Lord Krishna was recognised by scholar’s time ago

Radha-Govinda Mandir govinda at MCSA.NET.MX
Sat Mar 10 14:34:36 UTC 2001

-----Original Message-----
De: Subhash Chander <lamberdar at yahoo.com>
Para: Radha-Govinda Mandir <govinda at mcsa.net.mx>
Fecha: Viernes 9 de Marzo de 2001 3:15 PM
Asunto: RE: Acuso Recibo
My dear friends:
The last night I recibe this letter from this person. Therefore I answer the
next lines. But My more humbly request to all of your that are very
prominents and sages teachers. It to be more neutral in the words that we
are using in the study of the literature consider sacra by living religions.
And is very healthy and objective don't used corrosive, ambigue,
laberintine, and offensive words.( Tribal, mythology or idols, for the
hagiographical or protohistoric or traditional text like this man). Because
we are incursioning in nor friendly skys of hiperspace and we become easy
prize for the vaisnava-apolgetic fighters. If you want a exempla of this, I
could sen to you outside of this list or  only if the chairman of this list
let me, I can send with anonimus or pseudonymous and interesting paper. But
please read the next.

>I think you want to know what are basic books of
>Hinduism?  Three Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda);
>and Upnishadas (Vedanta). Bhagvad Gita is an (the
>last) Upnishada.
Puranas are books mainly on rituals, and they do not
>give good philosophical view of Hinduism. There are
>also other books which are just mythological stories
>relating to different gods (including to Krishna);
>and they are not exactly historical and nor very
>philosophical - they did not contribute to my webpage
>and are therefore not mentioned.
Lord Krishna was recognised by scholar’s time ago
 by Horacio Fco. Arganis Juaréz
Time to time, there are attempts of looking for more evidences to support
our understanding about the historical means of our spiritual knowledge. But
in the eagerness of get out our doubts, some time we are contributing with
news founds. But is necessary maintain in mind, don’t be offensive in the
name of to be ourselves so called racionalistics or cientifics and used
hypercritical language for Lord Krishna and vedic history. For example is
very used in the Indological books even from hindus authors, words like
mythology that means- mitos- untruth, int the greek root of the spanish word
men-ti-ra, falsity, Sanskrit- mithya. Other example is when some traditional
believers said, “In this work I will be probing that Lord Krishna was a
historical personality”, etc.. Because, Lord had been recognised for time
ago like historical fact:
Dr. Bimabihari Majumdar 1968: “The westerns scholars at first treated
Krishna as a myth... But many of the orietalist in the present century have
arrived at the conclusion that Krishna was a ksatrya warrior who fought at
Kuruksetra,...” (1).
Dr. R.  C. Majumdar 1958: “There is now a general consensus of opinion in
favour of the historicity of Krishna. Many also hold the view that Vasudeva
the Yadava hero, the cowherd boy Krishna in Gokula..were one and the same
person.” (2)
Horace H. Wilson, 1870: “Rama and Krishna, who appear to have been
originally real and historical characters,..” (3)
Dr. Thomas J. Hopkins, 1978: “From a strictly scholarly, historical
standpoint, the KRISNA WHO APPEARS in the Bhagavad-Gita is the princely
Krishna of the Mahabharata... Krishna the historical prince and charioteer
of Arjuna.” (4)
The New British Encyclopaedia: “Vasudeva-Krisna, a Vrisni prince who was
presumably also a religious leader levitated to the godhead by the 5th
century B C.” (5)
Rodolf Otto, 1933: “That Krishna himself was a historical figure is indeed
quite indubitable.” (6).
1.-Majundar, Bimabihari. Krishna in the History and Legend. University of
Calcutta. 1969 pp. 5
2.-Majundar, R. C. The History and Culture of the Indian people, vol. i pp.
3.-Wilson, Horace H. The Visnu Purana. Nag publisher’s 1989 pp.ii
4.- Hopkins, Thomas j. et al. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna. Five destined
Scholars on the Krishna movement in the West. Grooves Press, N.Y. l983,
5.-The New Encyclopaedia Britannic, 1984 vol. 7 micropedia, pp.7
6.- Otto, Rodolfo.The Original Gita, cit for Majumdar Bimabihari, ot. cit.


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