SV: An article mentionig Indologists

Steve Farmer saf at SAFARMER.COM
Tue Mar 6 21:26:25 UTC 2001

Lars Martin Fosse writes, of the recent article by N.S. Rajaram
in the _Organizer_ (the RSS propaganda sheet), found at

> A delightful read. I have a question concerning the following quote:
> "Where Witzel and his cohorts are holding up threat to "India and objective
>  scholarship" as their red flag,..."
> Since Witzel is mentioned together with his "not-so-eminent sidekick Steve
> Farmer" (sorry Steve!) my question is: How many cohorts are there in a
> two-man team?

It reminds me of a story of Lyndon Johnson's told in the Pentagon
papers. After winning a hand on a bluff, the losers ask the poker
player what cards he had in his hand. He answers reluctantly,
"Aces." The inevitable question pops up: "How many aces?" Answer:
"One aces."

In this case, Witzel had "one cohorts."


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