Need comments on book Cradle of civilization

rohan.oberoi at CORNELL.EDU rohan.oberoi at CORNELL.EDU
Sat Jan 27 15:38:40 UTC 2001

By all means by the book, but don't take it seriously without also
reading a few reputable works on related subjects, such as:

1. Mallory, JP, "In Search of the Indo-Europeans", 1989.

2. Erdosy, G, "Indo-Aryans of Ancient South Asia", 1997.

3. Deshpande, MM, and Bronkhorst, J, eds, "Aryan and Non-Aryan in
   South Asia", 1999

Try for good prices on used books.

Rohan Oberoi

>Hi all!
>I am thinking in buying the book of Cradle of Civilization by David Frawley,
>and other two authors.
>Any comments would be very appreciated.
>Thank you!!!
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