[looking for an article]

Francois Obrist Francois.Obrist at BCU.UNIL.CH
Wed Jan 24 08:47:41 UTC 2001

La "Bibliography of Nyaya-Vaisesika" de K. Hota et A.R. Mishra.- Poona,
CASS, 1993 donne effectivement DI, 6.I comme reference pour cet article.
Malheureusment la BCU n'a pas ce periodique.

Francois Obrist

At 03:41 24.01.2001 KST, you wrote:
>As far as I know, Darshan Internatioal is a quaterly magazine, and could be
>counted of its volume number as quarter. If my guess is correct Darshana
>21(1966) should be vol.6 no.l(1966).  But I am not quite sure.
>Jaekwan Shim
>Dept. of Philosphy
>Kangnung Univ.
>South Korea.
>Birgit Kellner <birgit.kellner at UNIVIE.AC.AT> wrote:
>  Dear list-members,
>  I am trying to locate the foolowing article:
>  B.L.Sharma, "Paksata: the motivational conditions of inference
>  according to Navya-Nyaya", Darshana 21, 1966, 103-107.
>  Publication data is taken from Potter's "Encyclopedia of Indian
>  Philosophy", where the journal "Darshana" is listed as "Darshana
>  International" (Moradabad), 1(1961)-16(1976). Nonwithstanding the
>  puzzling fact that No.21 is supposed to have appeared in 1966 and
>  No.16 in 1976, I tried to order the article via Germany's
>  "Bibliothekenverbund". The order was returned, and I was
>  informed that the article is not contained in this issue of the
>  journal. [Which may also mean that the issue does not exist!]
>  My question: Could anyone with access to the publication data of
>  "Darshana" (or to the article in question) be so kind as to check the above
>data for me?
>  Assistance will be greatly appreciated,
>Best regards,
>Birgit Kellner
>Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
>Vienna University
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Francois Obrist
Bibliotheque cantonale et universitaire (BCU)
Section de langues et civilisations orientales
CH-1015 Lausanne
email: Francois.Obrist at bcu.unil.ch
tel. : +41 21 692 4836
Fax : +41 21 692 4845


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