My Apology (Re: dev- / Devil)

Raveen Satkurunathan tawady at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jan 20 19:21:56 UTC 2001

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001 00:54:37 -0500, Aditya, the Cheerful Hindu Skeptic
<a018967t at BC.SEFLIN.ORG> wrote:

>Raveen Satkurunathan <tawady at YAHOO.COM> has written as follows:
>>Dear Aditya
>>Arabian Nights has Basra as its center, a region which was Arabised after
>>Islamic conquest but originally Iranian. In Avestan Iran Deivo were the


My apologies to the list. That was a personal email to Aditya (which I did
not make clear to him) and I did not want to bore this list with such
mundane details :-)


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