
N. Ganesan naga_ganesan at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 17 16:47:04 UTC 2001

N. Ganesan's original question:
>In Bengali, when is the name gosAyi first attested?
>Approximately like 16th century??
>Today, we hear both gosvAmi and gosAi.

The intent of this query was to find out when does sAi/ii,
gosAii is first used in North India. It appears 15-16th
centuries is a good estimate.

Hence, sAyaNa, a KannaDiga name of the 13-14th centuries
need not have saaii from gosaaii, a Northern form of some
centuries late.

Ven. Tantra wrote:
>Or was someone not implying a Tamil origin? Never mind.

At least it's not me who implied Tamil origin for gosvAmi.

Ven. Tantra wrote:
>Of course, Goswami would be found in Tamil
>literature, because Tamil has adopted countless
>Sanskrit words in a country where everything’s as old
>as the hills.

Goswami is not found in early Vaishnava literature of Tamil.

N. Ganesan

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