Smearing the Drums
Bjarte Kaldhol
bjartekal at AH.TELIA.NO
Tue Jan 16 20:54:00 UTC 2001
Dear listmembers,
In my first post on this subject there was probably a misunderstanding. I
thought somebody (Parpola?) had asserted that Akkadian kinna:ru was
attested in the third millennium, and wrote:
>Kinnaru is attested from Old Babylonian times (eighteenth century BC) and
later at >Ugarit. I do not know if it is attested earlier, perhaps at Ebla?
Kinna:ru is not attested until c. 1700 BC.
It now appears that what is attested at Ebla in the third millennium BC
might be the word for "musician" or "singer", na:ru (II), probably in its
Sumerian form, (LU2) NAR. If this word is Dravidian, or related to
Dravidian words, it is indeed an early attestation. There are several
na:rtu (II) or nuartu or na'ratu - female musician, Sum. MUNUS.NAR
na:ru:tu - profession of musician, musicianship (with Akk. abstract suffix)
nargallu - chief musician, Sum. (LU2) NAR.GAL, attested in Old Akkadian
A plant name, narinnu, looks suspiciously like a Hurrian nominal derivation
in -inni, but might be totally unrelated.
Best wishes,
Bjarte Kaldhol
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