Some questions on Asuras

Bhadraiah Mallampalli vaidix at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 15 23:41:19 UTC 2001

Thanks to Prof Gunthard Mueller/B. Schlerath and others for explaining about
good/bad qualities of gods.

In my opinion the gods are in general meant to do good, but they have to
first establish themselves and arrange for their own food. After that they
do the good that is expected of them. This has the usual philosophical

One such example is aditi - the mother of gods, who also has a male form as
death as per Br.U.1.2.6. where aditi (as a "he") eats all possible beings
and concepts. Once aditi had his fill, he may later acquire a feminine form
and creates the gods etc.

I wouldn't believe Avestan opinions are final, because there may be a lot of
missing literature to the contrary.

Best regards

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