Re. GosvAmi

Ven. Tantra troyoga at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jan 13 08:48:47 UTC 2001

Swaminathan Madhuresan writes:

<<Lot of Vaishnavism went from Tamil lands to Bengal,
and not the other way around. I have not come across
Goswami in early Vaishnava literature in Tamil. Do you
know any instance in Tamil? I'll be interested.>>

Yes, it would seem evident.
Gau.diiya-Vai.s.nava-sampradaaya scribes its own
lineage [down from Adi-Om-ville] as passing through
Panca-Dravida, South India. The pivotal figure is
Maadhvaacarya, no. 5 in its para-historical
patriarchy. Nos. 20&21, Maadhavendra Purii and Iizvara
Purii, are the seminal Bengalis of a purely historical
Gau.diiya (Bengali) school.
_Gaura-ga.noddeza-diipikaa_ is said to provide this
run down.

Important to note, however, that Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu himself spent six years walking, mostly
alone, throughout southern India. His most celebrated
meeting was with Ramananda Raya in the Andra country,
who agreed to immigrate to Caitanya�s base of
operations, which was not in Bengal but in Jaganatha
Puri, Orissa. After Caitanya�s six-year pilgrimage, he
never left Puri, save bodysurfing sessions drifting
north along the coast.



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