Karave caste and Kurus

Vidyasankar Sundaresan vsundaresan at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 9 22:06:30 UTC 2001

>Dravidian makes skt svAmi as sAmi,sAvi, sOvi, sOmi but not sAyi. Saayi
>happens in the North India For example in Bengal gosAyi.
>That's why Gowda and foll. him, Emeneau's derivation of sAyaNa from sAyi
>utterly fanciful. It is much easier to get it from Dravidian words.

The linguistic landscape of northern Karnataka and southern
Maharashtra is noticeably different from that of southern
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Perhaps it was so even in the 13th
century. Besides, the Sena dynasty ruling in Bengal (12th c.)
is said to have been of Karnata origin. From where in Karnata?
Is it possible that svaami -> saayi is a southern influence in
Bengali, but only a feature of central Dravidian languages?
Or is svaami -> saayi a Bengali influence on the languages of
the Deccan plateau? Given documented historical interactions
between Bengal and central India, extending into the Deccan,
careful analysis of central Dravidian languages and eastern
Prakrits is required. Southern Dravidian may not have all the
answers to all such questions.

Another possibility - was Saaya.na's family a relatively recent
immigrant from the north? Between the 9th and 13th centuries,
many Brahmin families seem to have newly arrived in the south.
There are even people surnamed Mizra, in Tamil country proper.
Thus, Zrivatsaanka Mizra (Kuuranaaraaya.na) of Vizi.staadvaita
tradition and Jnaanottama Mizra (author of Candrikaa, comm. on
Surezvara's Nai.skarmyasiddhi) of Advaita tradition.


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