question on recaka-pUraka-kumbhaka

Ven. Tantra troyoga at YAHOO.COM
Sun Jan 7 14:25:42 UTC 2001

While inquiring into the origins of recaka, puuraka
and kumbhaka, we should not neglect maatra, which is
equally as important and fundamental to the discipline
of pranayama as �the three phases of respiration.�

I presume maatra (time/count/ratio) correlates to
Patanjali�s kaala.

It seems that Patanjali used terms that were less
technical and more literary, in order to be precise.
Somewhere in Part II, he introduces several terms. If
I�m not mistaken, baahya means, �exhale� and
�bhyantara means, �inhale.� Stambavrtti refers to the
retention of the breath after exhalation or
inhalation. This holding of the breath is supposed to
be �stable and supporting like a pillar.�

Doesn�t _k�la_ refers to the �duration� of exhalation,
inhalation and retention?


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