Moon and Cycle of death and rebirth
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
Thu Jan 4 07:22:46 UTC 2001
At 11:14 AM 12/30/2000 -0500, S. Palaniappan wrote:
>I would appreciate if anybody could tell me if in any of the ancient north
>Indian traditions, the moon is described as exemplifying the nature of life
>as consisting of waxing and waning, dying and being born again. Thanks in
G. von Simson already gave some useful references.
The Rg Veda says that the Moon becomes new again and again as it is born:
navo navo bhavati jAyamAnaH, 10.85.19 (repeated in TaittirIya SaMhitA 2.4.14).
See the previous verse (RV 10.85.18) for a comparison with the Sun's
movement. See also: VAjasaneya SaMhitA 23.45-46, and Zatapatha BrAhmaNa
I dealt in some detail with the ascending-descending nature of Vedic
astronomical cycles and their relation to later ideas of rebirth in:
Gonzalez-Reimann, Luis. 1988. Tiempo ciclico y eras del mundo en la India
(Cyclical Time and World Ages in India). Mexico City: El Colegio de Mexico.
Luis Gonzalez-Reimann
University of California, Berkeley
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