Re: Update on Gedrum Bühnemann' site

Madhav M. Deshpande mmdesh at UMICH.EDU
Tue Aug 28 15:57:37 UTC 2001

While I am honored by being called "mahadev", my parents were Vaishnava and
named me 'Madhav'.  Best,

Madhav Deshpande

--On Tuesday, August 28, 2001, 11:43 AM -0400 "John C. Huntington"
<huntington.2 at OSU.EDU> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Axel Michaels, in his response to Mahadev's request for Hindu sites
> gave the Goettingen address for Gudrun's site,
> It is now at<>
> John
>> Dear Madhav,
>> some links are listed on the Hompage of our Dept.:
>> (click first "Religion
>> allg.", then "Hinduismuslinks")
>> As far as I remember, more such links could be found on Gudrun
>> Bühnemann´s Homepage and on
>> Best greetings and wishes
>> Axel
>> Madhav Deshpande wrote:
>>>  Hello Colleagues,
>>>       I am trying to find a good academically appropriate
>>> collection of URLs which would be helpful as a
>>>  source of information on Hinduism for undergraduate students.
>>> Something that would cover from IE
>>>  background and Harappan Civilization to modern times.  Has anyone
>>> put together such a collection of
>>>  URLs?   Best,
>>>                                                 Madhav Deshpande

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
3070 Frieze Building
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1285, USA

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