ulUkhala (was pie/sanskrit)

C.R. Selvakumar selvakum at VALLUVAR.UWATERLOO.CA
Mon Sep 11 16:22:39 UTC 2000

'>'As I recall, Thieme considers khala/khara- to be inherited (regional
'>'Indo-European, but not limited to Indo-Aryan).

    Professor Hock, let me quote from T. Burrow, "The Sanskrit Language"
    Faber and Faber, New and Revised Edition, 1973:
    Page 383 in Chapter VIII "Loanwords in Sanskrit":
    khala- 'threshing-floor': Ta. Ma. laLam 'threshing floor, open space',
    Ka. kaLa, kaNa 'threshing floor', Te. kalanu, Pa. kali, Kui klai 'id'.

    (I've used L to denote retoflex 'l' and N to denote retroflex 'n')

    C.R. Selvakumar
'>'Hans Henrich Hock

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