Iron and RV dating

Anand M. Sharan asharan at ENGR.MUN.CA
Sat Sep 9 08:56:11 UTC 2000

Dr. Farmer:

            The transition from the Bronze Age to Iron Age in India, is
still a topic of research . Dr. Biswas , quotes three places where iron age
began in India . These are in South Bihar ( Singhbhum District ),
Karnataka, ( South India ) and the third place  near Delhi . Out of these,
only the third one is in the Gangetic area . The third one being closer to
the Harrappan Civilization, is a reasonable possibility but it is not
closer to the source of iron, whereas, the other two are right at the
source .
          Regarding the dating of iron age in India, it depends upon whose
history is being written in India. The Gangetic Bely was fertile, and
important people lived there, so the history about them got written about
             As I have indicated in my work about the migration of the
indus valley people ( # 108, August ) , the tribals always had the
technology and were quite current with their developments .

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