[colophon verse]

Arlo Griffiths griffithsa at RULLET.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Tue Sep 5 14:41:35 UTC 2000

Pre.s.thau Yoge;saMaadhavau,

Thank you for your replies. Yes, of course I should have written
    Does tulii (or turii) really mean 'stylus'? If so, that would solve the
puzzle for me. I find these verses, the second one as well (does anyone know
it elsewhere in India?), in Paippalaada mss. In what kind of mss. do you
find it, Jogesh?

Best from Arlo

>From: Jogesh Panda <jogeshpanda at NETSCAPE.NET>
>Subject: Re: [colophon verse]
>Date: din, 5 sep 2000 4:07 PM

> In two of the manuscripts [Oriya Lit. material] I have, the scribal
> plea/end-filler reads
> bhagnapRSThakaTigrIvas tulA[I]dRSTir adhomukhaH |
> duHkhena likhitaM granthaM putravat paripAlayet ||
> This aptly describes the plight of the scribe who doubled up on the floor
> [breaking his back, waist ans neck] pushing the stylus on to the palm leaf,
> and carving away the text [his eyes fixed on to the stylus- the tulI or tulA
> or his eyes on balance].
> The other scribal end-filler that I have seen on Mss, and even on early Oriya
> printed books  reads
> bhImasyApi raNe bhaGgo munerapi matibhramaH /
> y[j]adi zuddham azuddham vA mama doSo na vidyate //
> Best wishes.
> Jogesh Panda
> Arlo Griffiths <griffithsa at RULLET.LEIDENUNIV.NL> wrote:
> If anyone knows of other attestations of the following verse from a colophon
> of an Orissa ms., I would be very grateful to hear about it:
> bhagnap.r.s.thaka.tigriivasthiirad.r.s.tir adhomukha.h |   [read: -sthira-]
> du.hkhena likhita.m grantha.m putravat paripaalayet ||
> There also seems to be a variant (in 2 other mss.), with something like
> TULVA/TULII/TULAAd.r.s.tir, but I find the ak.saras hard to read there, and
> cannot see what is meant.
> With thanks,
> -- Arlo Griffiths
> CNWS / Instituut Kern
> Universiteit Leiden
> Postbus 9515
> 2300 RA  Leiden
> the Netherlands
> tel.: +31-71-5272979
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