Anand M. Sharan asharan at ENGR.MUN.CA
Sun Sep 3 10:45:50 UTC 2000

Dear Mr. Parmar:
                 Thank you very much for your comments -"
 "  .
          If the constitution is made by persons without full knowledge
then, do you think it is supposed to work ? What laws will you enforce, if
those appropriate laws are not there ? Who will enforce the law ? If the
criminals get into power, do you expect them to enforce the law by
themselves ?

               I do not know, how current you are with the nexus between
criminals and politicians ?  I was having discussions with a new lawyer
here in Canada, about the constitution , and the power sharing between
states, and the center . He said that if center takes over, and if they are
more corrupt or criminals of higher degree then, would it be the solution ?
My answer to that is - It is very easy in a country like India  to become a
leader of a gang who can control smaller areas like a state but, it would
be a great challenge to his skills to become a leader of all criminals from
different states which are very diverse group of people.
               So, let us not bury our heads in sand, and assume that every
thing is going perfect in India . It is an irony that when  one or few
states are going through the massive law and order problems, people of
other states remain indifferent . If this type of thing goes unchecked
then , it becomes a way of life . Any one can see the examples of
Colombia . The problem has become much bigger now . People are living on by
growing drugs . Changing their way of life would be difficult . Similar is
the situation in South East Asia like Burma, Laos , parts of pakistan, and
possibly in India.
                Once these criminals start governing states, such a type of
business is very lucrative . What appears to be a theoretical problem, will
become reality .

                Now, coming back to the type of constitution, what is
happening in some of the states in India, would not happen in Western
European countries or North American Countries. Human beings are all the
same but, these countries have gone through many types of problems, and
evolved over them . For example, when I was visiting San Francisco, the
history of crime there was so immense, that the worst crime infected states
in India would not come any where near that situation. But now, they have
things under far better control.
                  It happened in Quebec. Some people had kidnaped a
minister . Immediately, the Prime Minister invoked the War Measures Act,
and got hold of the control on the problems .
                  So, the sanctity of the constitution , a constitution
which was not right in the first place, does not mean a thing . Ultimately,
that action is right which is good for the masses, and not for the
criminals. Right now, the criminals have got into the ministries, have  got
all the police force to guard them against other gangs, and ordinary people
are left at the mercy of robbers, dacoits, and extorsionists .  If this is
what the constitution allows, I am not for it .


Anand M. Sharan

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