Hands Of Goddess Durga ?

Rajarshi Banerjee rajarshi.banerjee at SMGINC.COM
Sat Sep 2 18:16:41 UTC 2000

Is it possible that this depiction came to Bengal via a migrating tribe who
came perhaps, from outside India long ago and who wanted to remember a
memorable battle somewhere (such for example as in Mahabharata?), possibly
outside of India through, their favorite deity, a Goddess of War ?
(two possible clues: I remember seeing a photo from an archeological
excavation at ancient Babylon which depicted a Goddess of War with four
hands. Also, I noticed in a National Geographic magazine that area of
present day Iraq where Babylon once was locted, still has herds of wild
water buffalos in the Euphrates River tributaries !). As far as the Asian
lion, even though there is none there in present day Iraq or Iran, in
earlier times, the Asian lion was rather prevalant in that area I think ?)
While a female godess of war could be west asian,anatolian. The buffalo has
to be an indic motif. Buffalo sacrifice are common in nepal etc. Buffalo in
iraq and middle east were introduced recently and are of indian river
buffalo stock. The wild buffalo in iraq must be feral buffalo and derivrd
from this. There are no wild buffalo anywhere in the worlds except a small
pockets in assam, MP and recently  a small herd in thailand was discovered.
Their genetic purity is in doubt.
I recall a harappan seal where a buffalo is being speared by a stick figure
infront of another seated figure wearing a buffalo horn head dress, usually
refered to as pashupati.
Is this an example of durga and her husband. or Maybe the seated figure is
mahIshAsura a real historical person and harappan ruler overseeing a buffalo
hunt. who knows..
I remember another mesopotamian artefact from sumer aman is sitting on two
brahma bulls( uncommon in mesopotamia ) who has a crescent near his head and
has what may be streams of water flowing from his hand.
Isnt this similar to the shiva seated on nandi with river ganga streaming
from him and the crescent moon stuck in his hair.
These may be coincidences but, it is possible that mordern hinduism like a
living fossil preserves iconography, mythology and religious archetypes long
dead in other cultures.
regards RB

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