Caucasian genes in Dravidian wombs
Subrahmanya S.
subrahmanyas at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Nov 30 03:06:53 UTC 2000
The word Caucasian is merely a PC substitute for Aryan.
It seems to have been coined at a time of growing nationalistic
fervor in Europe.
It is also no wonder that the Great Indo European Homeland is
located in the Caucasus according to present day europeanist
This is what the Merriam Websters Dictionary has to say
on the word Caucasian:
Main Entry: Cau·ca·sian
Pronunciation: ko-'kA-zh&n, kä- also -'ka-zh&n
Function: adjective
Date: 1807
1 : of or relating to the Caucasus or its inhabitants
2 a : of or relating to the white race of humankind as classified according
to physical features b : of or relating to the white race as defined by law
specifically as composed of persons of European, No. African, or southwest
Asian ancestry.
Also remember some time ago there were some on this list
who were criticizing the weak Humanities in India. It must be
pointed out that Stanley Wolpert is a senior Historian
and his work is published by OUP. So much for the boasts of
peer review and academic quality.
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