Black as Evil

Arun Gupta suvidya at OPTONLINE.NET
Tue Nov 28 15:19:46 UTC 2000

>Among the Dravidians, their ancient God is Black.
>The oldest Dravidian literature calls Him mAl, mAyan meaning
>Black. White is their color of mourning and mere sight
>of widows wearing white is a sign of misfortune.

There you have it -- color prejudice among the Dravidians. Is this also
attributable to the Indo-Aryans ?

Anyway, you have to show many things -- why did the Avestans and the Vedics
disagree on deva, asura, time for rituals, etc., but continue to agree that
black is bad ?  Where and when did the Avestans meet dark-skinned people ?

You also have to show a causal relationship, not just a correlation between
Indo-Aryan beliefs and Judaic beliefs.  You also have to examine whether
your own beliefs are coloring your judgement.  To take a topical example --
the dismantling of the theory of Indo-Aryan influence on the Hurrians -- we
should have been suspicious long ago of isolated male Indo-Aryan names in
the Mitanni dynasties, when no causal influence could be demonstrated.

-Arun Gupta

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