Mahabharata (?) quotation

Peter Wyzlic pwyzlic at UNI-BONN.DE
Mon Nov 27 11:29:44 UTC 2000

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Vidyasankar Sundaresan wrote:

> I am trying to track down the source of the following quotation
> attributed to vyAsa, in zankara's brahmasUtra bhAshya (2. 3. 47).
> smaranti ca vyAsAdaya.h ... "tatra ya.h paramAtmA hi sa nityo
> nirgu.nas sm.rta.h | na lipyate phalaiz cApi padma-patram-iva
> ambhasA | karmAtmA tv aparo yo 'sau moksha-bandhais sa yujyate |
> sa sapta-dazakatvena api rAzinA yujyate puna.h ||" iti
> I presume these verses are from the Mahabharata, and would
> appreciate any help in locating them within the text.

This passage seems to come from the Mok.sadharma = Mbh. 12.339.14-15
crit. ed.

Peter Wyzlic

Peter Wyzlic
Indologisches Seminar, Universitaet Bonn
Regina-Pacis-Weg 7
D-53113 Bonn

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