Indology's Future?

Thu Nov 16 12:39:42 UTC 2000

1. Perhaps I should not have brought to the attention of the scholars in this
group a feeling (justified or not, good or bad, right or wrong) that is gaining
momentum in this internet world of ours where everyone has the right and the
ease to say and write whatever he/she wants, with considerable impact on many
matters. The following posting (NOT MY WORDS) in another group expresses the
feelings harshly

<Should we permit non-Indians to meddle with our past in the name of
"impartial research", "expanding the frontiers of knowledge" and all such
high-sounding words? What have they to do with our past, our culture and
heritage is not there for these to "research", "speculate" and "theorize". Our
experience with these ppl has shown time and again that all this drama of
research is motivated, in most cases, by malicious or selfish intent, so why
don't we call their bluff? Why should we continue playing their game? Decency
is a two way traffic, if they have no decency, cannot respect our
sensitivities,  why should we hesitate in calling their bluff. The good
intentioned ones in them will and should understand our position. I would
really appreciate if the group members can share their thoughts on this. Why
should we continue to patronize them?>

It was not I who did not originated the idea that <outsiders> give up their
interest in Indic studies. That would be a sad day. But I also felt (perhaps
mistakenly) that it is important for Western Indologists to make some kind of a
statement to articulate their individual and collective respect and love for
Indian culture and tradition (which I know they all have), not only to regain
the confidence of a great number of Endo-Indologists, but also to make this
most exciting enterprise even more enriching and rewarding, pleasant and
worthwhile for all participants.

3. I acted like the messenger who came to Versailles to inform Marie Antoinette
while she was regaling that trouble was brewing in the heart of Paris. I am
aware that I have inadvertently distracted you from your main focus, for which
I apologize. For this offense, one member of this group politely asked me to
leave. I will honor his request.

4.  I have personally been much enriched, educated, and enlightened as a result
of joining this group. I thank you all for that.

5. Best regards to all the unseen friends I have made here, and best wishes in
your endeavors.

Om ShAnti....
V. V. Raman
November 16, 2000

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