Dutt, Ghosa, Lefmann & Levi.

Peter Wyzlic pwyzlic at UNI-BONN.DE
Wed Nov 15 12:38:35 UTC 2000

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Richard B. Mahoney wrote:
> If any readers know of the availability -- either for copying, for
> loan, or for sale -- of any of these four editions I would be very
> grateful if they could mail me.
> @Book{ghosa,
>   editor =       "P. Ghosa",
>   title =        "\'{S}atas\={a}hasrik\={a}
>                   praj\~{n}\={a}p\={a}ramit\={a} s\={u}tra",
>   publisher =    "Asiatic Society of Bengal",
>   year =         "1902--1913",
>   key =          "ghosa:1913",
>   series =       "Bibliotheca Indica",
>   address =      "Calcutta",
>   note =         "Nos. 146--148, ed. of incompl. text",
> }

The numbering scheme of the Bibliotheca Indica is very confusing. The real
volume number of Pratapacandra Ghosa's Satasahasrika edition is:
Bibliotheca Indica Vol. 153. There are, however, various fascicle numbers;
Sieg and Nobel list ca. 19 fasc. nos., published from 1902 onwards. The
copy we have in our library ends with the prathamakhanda on page 1676. I'm
not aware of a reprint of this work.

> @Book{lefmann,
>   editor =       "S. Lefmann",
>   title =        "Lalitavistara",
>   publisher =    "Waisenhaus",
>   address =      "Halle a. S.",
>   year =         "1902--1908",
>   key =          "lefmann:1908",
>   note =         "ed. of compl. Skt. text",
> }

Lefmann's edition has been reprinted in Japan. Some years ago, I have seen
an advertisement of the publisher Meicho Fukyu Kai, Tokyo indicating a 2
volume reprint (for Yen 19,000). I do not know if it is still
available. By the way, you know that Koichi Hokazono has published a new
edition of chap. 1-14 together with a Japanese translation? The title is:

        Hokazono, Koichi: Raritavisutara no kenkyu / Hokazono Koichi
        cho. -- Jo-kan. -- Tokyo : Daito Shuppan-sha, 1994. -- X, 989 p.

I am not sure if part 2 has been published.

> @Book{levi,
>   editor =       "S. L\'{e}vi",
>   title =        "Mah\={a}y\={a}nas\={u}tr\={a}la\d{m}k\={a}ra",
>   publisher =    "Librarie Honr\'{e} Champion",
>   year =         "1907",
>   key =          "levi:1907",
>   number =       "159",
>   series =       "Biblioth\`{e}que de l'\'{E}cole des Hautes
>                   \'{E}tudes",
>   address =      "Paris",
>   note =         "ed. of compl. Skt. text",
> }

I remember vaguely that there was a Japanese reprint of this work (maybe

Peter Wyzlic

Peter Wyzlic
Indologisches Seminar, Universitaet Bonn
Regina-Pacis-Weg 7
D-53113 Bonn

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