INDOLOGY Digests - filtering & threading

Richard B. Mahoney rbm49 at STUDENT.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ
Tue Nov 14 02:19:29 UTC 2000

Dear Axel,

I'm not sure what platform you are running on but it is possible that
your needs may be met by an email processor called `Procmail' and a
mail client called `Mutt.'

Once configured `Procmail' will sort all your messages into different
folders and then `Mutt' will thread all the messages within each
folder. Both programmes are highly configurable. This will make it a
simple matter to block messages from those you prefer not to hear from
and also to delete threads of no interest to you. I've been doing a
lot of both recently and it is surprising how much time I have saved
myself. :-)

Mutt and Procmail compile under most UNIX and UNIX-like systems. It's
possible they are both already available on your existing
machines. Mutt -- I don't know about Procmail -- also runs under MS
Windows. Details and free downloads are available from:

I hope this helps.

Many regards,

  Richard Mahoney

Richard Mahoney            /^^^\             Telephone: +64-3-351-5831
78 Jeffreys Rd           (| , , |)
Christchurch              |  *  |
NEW ZEALAND                \_-_/     mailto:rbm49 at

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