pseudochariot - pseudo-trough

Artur Karp karp at MERCURY.CI.UW.EDU.PL
Sun Nov 12 14:07:38 UTC 2000

At 20:52 00-11-11 -0800, Steve Farmer wrote:

 >Sorry about mentioning "Polish jokes" in the same line as "Rajaram horse
 >How un-PC of me!

Yes, such things come from using a Mac. I am glad you've noticed the
dangers related to your PC-lessness on time.

Jokes aside. If you read my post carefully, you will notice that it doesn't
mention chariots. It had more to do with the quality of your argument. "If
(you said) Harappans spent their time making oval or pointed chariot
wheels...". Nice absurdity, except that it proves nothing.

To say that the concept of chariots in the ICiv. is totally anachronic is
one thing. But to say that to ultimately prove the presence of chariots in
the ICiv., the signs in question should realistically represent  chariot
wheels is something else again. Faced with this kind of demand, I would
still insist that diagrammatic representations (such as pictorial signs)
do not have to show all the details possessed by the original object.
More - that such representations are allowed to distort the original
object's shape.

Which doesn't make me a follower of Hindutvavadins. Or, for God's sake,
a supporter of Mr. Sethna's views.

With regards,

Artur Karp

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