races .....was Dasyus and PaNis inRV

Rajarshi Banerjee rajarshi.banerjee at SMGINC.COM
Fri Nov 10 07:17:02 UTC 2000

raveen says..full-lips/wide-nose/receding- forehead/dark-skin
as opposed to thin-lips/thin-nose/vertical-forehead/light-skin.

I dont see an opposition here. As Al gore may say Africans invented the
bulging forehead and occiput. Any population group can have receding or
bulging foreheads.

Maybe you should look at some pictures of people of central africa.
Visualize kenneth kaunda for e.g. what a bulge..

there are no stereotypical crania especially when africa is concerned there
is more diversity there than other places.

I remember an illustration in a hundred year old text book which shows the
skulls of an african and a chimpanzee the africans skull is shown to be more
sloping than the chimpanzee. lets not go by such illustrations

As for tamils features due to mediterranian influence. The mediterranian
does not have a copyright for such features. we should look at entire west
asia parts of africa and central asia or south asia itself where such
features could ahave developed.

negroids in india? the only genuine negroids are small groups like the
siddis who are recent imports and the negritos of andaman( the most
enigmatic group of humans ever!! ).

otherwise humans in india have diverged from africa for quite a while
like east asia and europe perhaps a little more.

It would be great to let geneticists get their hands on the andamanese
people they allegedly have affinity with khoisan of africa who are in
theoretical terms the adam and eve races according to DNA studies. But alas
the indian govt does not allow sampling i hear. They could be the oldest
evidence of human migration ever.



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