Pseudo-Sanskrit text of Our-Father?
Maciej St. Zieba
mszieba at UW.LUBLIN.PL
Mon Nov 6 14:55:55 UTC 2000
The text below can be found on the website of the Paternoster Church in
claiming that it is the text of Our Father prayer in ... Sanskrit -
which it certainly IS NOT.
I quote putting the two diacritical marks (acute accent ' and grave
accent `) AFTER the vouwel they stand on. The "i*" stands for an
"dotless i" of the original.
Agascianghelil irikkunna gnangelude ba'va`, nintiruna'mam
sciuddhama`gappede'nam; ninde` ra`gidam vare'nam. Ninde` tirumanessa
a'ga'sciattile`, po'le bbhu'miilum a'ghenam. Gnanghelude` annanne` appam
inna gnanghelkka tariga`. Gnanghelude` kadappukka'rero'oda gnanghel
porukkunna po'le, gnanghelude kadappughel gnangelo'dum porrukka`.
Gnanghele parikcielum pu`ghikkella'je; viscieszicci*a tinmeilnina
gnanghele rekcicciu` kolga`. Amen.
You can see in the original site that the text is written in ceramic
tiles and put on the wall of the Church. Who could have made such a
mistake? and why?
The other question is: What (Indic? - almost certainly) language is it?
One can recognize words like "aakasha", "bhuumi", "shuddha",
"visheshhika?", Tamil "tiru" = Sanskrit "shri" - the spelling seems to
resemble the Italian one ("gn" for ITRANS "J" ["n~"], "gh" before "e"
standing for "g", "g" before "i" and "e" for "j", "sci" for "sh", "sz"
for "shh",
Below, on the same web-page you can find another mistake: The text
marked as "Hail Mary" on the web-page ind in fact "Our Father" (in
Sanskrit - this time correctly), which can easily be seen even in the
picture itself (on the top "The Lord's Prayer").
Best regards
Maciej St. Zieba
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dr Maciej St. Zieba
Vice-Director Z-ca Dyrektora
Lublin Voivod's Cabinet Gabinet Wojewody Lubelskiego
European Integration, International Relations and Regional Policy
ul. Spokojna 4 tel. (+48-81) 532 07 32; 74 24 430
20-914 LUBLIN, Poland fax: (+48-81) 74 24 316
mszieba at
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