
Steven E. Lindquist s-lindquist at THE-FOUNDRY.NET
Mon Nov 6 04:23:43 UTC 2000

Dear V.V. Raman and the list,

Please do not misunderstand my post.  I was in NO WAY referring to your
discussion of Endo-Exo Indologists, which I followed with interest and found
thoughtful (though I may not really fit either category).  What I was
referring to by "devolve" was simply the personal or non-academic attacks
which had occurred previously, but unfortunately, simultaneously with your
posting.  I was attempting to avoid another "outburst."  I regret any

In my mind, thoughtful comments (from any perspective) are always welcome,


Steven E. Lindquist
email: s-lindquist at

In the US:                    In India:
Doctoral Candidate            AIIS Junior Fellow/Affiliated Research Scholar
Dept. of Asian Studies        Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
University of TX at Austin    Pune, Maharashtra, India

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