Indo-Aryan words in Hurrian

Bjarte Kaldhol bjartekal at AH.TELIA.NO
Mon Nov 6 01:26:53 UTC 2000

I wish I knew more about this subject. Since I must concentrate on my
Hurrian, Akkadian and Sumerian studies I feel I have to accept the
mainstream views of chronology. (I follow the so-called low chronology,
that is, my "1500" corresponds to "1560" in the middle chronology.) To move
Egyptian chronology forward "several centuries" sounds too dramatic; I
would not take such speculations seriously. The destruction of the Mittani
palace at Tell Brak was dated by dendrochronology to some time in the
beginning of the thirteenth century, I believe. See the Historical
BABYLONIAN PERIODS, by D. Oates, J. Oates and H. McDonald, British School
of Archaeology in Irac, 1997.

 You might find more on the subject of dendrochronology at:

See also "Anatolian tree rings and the absolute chronology of the eastern
Mediterranean, 2220-718 BC" in NATURE vol. 381 (27 June 1996) 780-783 (with
Bernd Kromer, Sturt W. Manning, Maryanne Newton, Christine Latini, & Mary
Jaye Bruce).

Best wishes,
Bjarte Kaldhol

> From: Stephen Hodge <s.hodge at PADMACHOLING.FREESERVE.CO.UK>
> Subject: Re: Indo-Aryan words in Hurrian
> Date: 5. november 2000 20:16
> Bjarte Kaldhol wrote
> > There is now reason to believe that the Hurrians had tamed the horse
> by 2200 BC,
> > more than seven hundred years before the assumed IA influence.
> I don't have access right now to the reference you provide but I would
> like to ask what will probably seem a naive question:  how is the
> dating for the Hurrians/Mittani/Kassites fixed ?  I have no problem
> with a relative chronology but how is an absolute chronology
> determined -- Carbon 14 dating, AMS or even dendrochronology ?   Or is
> it fixed from supposed links into Egyptian king-lists ?   If the
> latter, what are your views on the hypothesis of several scholars
> recently that Egyptian dates for the Middle and New Kingdoms are
> erroneous and need to be moved downwards to more recent dates by
> several hundred years ?  I know this sounds like the attempts to
> redate the RV the other way, but at least in the case of Egypt the
> evidence seems fairly compelling.  Ultimately the two questions must
> have a bearing on each other vis-a-vis linguistic considerations such
> as you have raised.
> Best wishes,
> Stephen Hodge

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