Indo-Aryan words in Hurrian

Bjarte Kaldhol bjartekal at AH.TELIA.NO
Sun Nov 5 10:12:09 UTC 2000

As I said, the normal Hurrian word for seven is $indi. All known words for
numbers in Hurrian end, as they should, in -i/e, not in -a, though there is
a case ending (essive) in -a as well as a change to -a- if certain
morphemes follow. But E. Laroche, in his GLOSSAIRE DE LA LANGUE HOURRITE,
lists the word $ittanna from the Kikkuli text and comments: "... "sept",
d'apres l'indo-arien $atta-wartanna. - Forme de $inti/a??" S.v. $inti 2 he
says: "Mais $inti "sept" doit encore etre separe... de $itta."
He also lists a word $ittaa (long a) from two (Hittite?) Kizzuwadna texts.
Laroche, in fact, states that the Hurrian (?) word $ittanna is influenced
by the IA word $atta!
I will see if I can find out more about this later.

> From: rohan.oberoi at CORNELL.EDU
> Subject: Re: Indo-Aryan words in Hurrian
> Date: 5. november 2000 03:57
> Bjarte Kaldhol wrote:
> >The (normal) Hurrian word for seven is "thindi" (written $i-in-di or
> >$i-in-ti; the th was pronounced interdentally, as in English) and
> >cannot have influenced satta- in sattavartanna. I am not convinced by
> >any of the efforts made so far to explain away the satta- form.
> Bjarte, I did find Hock's article. He refers to Friedrich 1940 as
> having shown that Mitanni {s<atta} "may owe its {tt} to" the Hurrian
> word for 'seven' (which Hock transcribes as {s<inta/s<itta}).
> This {s<inta/s<itta} seems to conflict with your {$i-in-di/$i-in-ti}.
> Since this seems to be your area of expertise, you should be able to
> investigate the contradiction.  The Friedrich reference is: Friedrich,
> Johannes 1940: "Aus verschiedenen Keilschriftsprachen, 3-4",
> Orientalia, N.S. 9: 348-361.
> Regards,
> Rohan.

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