Buddhism in Bangladesh

Will Douglas will at DHATU.NET
Wed Nov 1 11:51:18 UTC 2000

On Tue, Oct 31, 2000, Lynken Ghose <lynkenghose at HOTMAIL.COM> quoth:

>Hello Listmembers:
>Does anyone have any idea where I can locate articles/books on the Buddhist
>groups in the area near Chittagong etc. in present day Bangladesh? I heard
>that H. Bechert wrote some articles on this but I have not yet been able to
>locate them. Does anyone have any idea of the journal and/or book in which
>H. Bechert's or other articles on this subject are located?

You may wish to consult Paola Tinti's Oxford doctoral thesis (1998)
_Between two civilisations : history and self representation of
Bangladeshi Buddhism_.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Will Douglas    Wolfson College, Oxford
<william.douglas at wolfson.ox.ac.uk>

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