Kim Plofker

Dinesh Maheshwari dsm at CYPRESS.COM
Fri May 26 17:53:17 UTC 2000

Dear Johannes,
Kim's email address is Kim_Plofker at ; I  was in correspondence
with her at the aforementioned email address till March 9th, 2000

Her web page is

She was a student of Professor David Pingree  and does subscribe to
Dr Pingree's school of thought  regarding history of Indian Mathematics.

Perhaps you already know that Dr Pingree's work is a large compilation
of history of Indian mathematics and astronomy but is unfortunately not
thorough with regards to early Indian mathematics/astronomy and is
in contradiction with the deeper analysis by mathematicians and historians
like  A. Siedenberg etc.

Dinesh Maheshwari

Johannes Bronkhorst wrote:

> Could anyone inform me about the work and whereabouts of Kim Plofker, who
> seems to be working in the field of Indian mathematics? Thanks in advance.
> Johannes Bronkhorst

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