The Black Goddess(es) - 3 images

Rosati dante at POP.INTERPORT.NET
Wed May 10 03:50:04 UTC 2000

These are alot easier:
#1 is Chinnamastaa, one of the Da'sa-Mahaavidyaas (Ten Great Wisdoms), of
which Kaalii is another. She represents the end of existence, re-distributor
of life energy.
#2 & 3 are Kaalii herself.


----- Original Message -----
From: Ven. Tantra <troyoga at YAHOO.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:48 PM
Subject: The Black Goddess(es) - 3 images

> I request again the kind assistance of List members to
> help me to identify 3 Indian Goddesses. I am assuming
> the icons are all of the Kaalii/Durgaa type, but I am
> trying to determine their specific identities.
> The images themselves are quite remarkable
> (non-erotic):
> 1) line drawing
> 2) print
> 3) painting
> To view the photoes go to:
> Best regards,
> Ven. Tantra
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