Etymology of the words 'vedi' in ritual context

H.B.Dave hbd at DDIT.ERNET.IN
Thu Jun 29 08:54:03 UTC 2000

Sven Ekelin wrote:

> On Tuseday, June 2000, H. B. Dave wrote:
>      >The word vedi has relationship to the verb "to know".
>      >Kindly look up RV I-164-39, read with I-164-35
>      >and contemplate what do those mantras say.
> I have done so, and I¹m still contemplating.
> At least to me, your point is not overly lucid.

You  have said "I am still contemplating". Granting me a little bit of
and familiarity with RigVeda, please think *why* would I have suggested
to refer
to those two mantras? What do those mantras really say? Do they say
something about
the nature of what is called vedi? What is the meaning of the word
p.rthivii  [RV I-164-35]?
and parame vyoman  [RV I-164-39]?

I am ready to accept etymology of vedi based on veda (grass) provided
agree  with me that  grass {veda, barhi} means neurons of the human
brain, i.e. the brain
belonging to yajamaana. But will they? Trouble with RigVeda is that one
can not apply only
linguistic rules for deriving etymologies.

Best wishes,

-- Himanshu

Prof. H.B. Dave
Co-ordinator for Institutional Development
and Professor & Head of Department
Computer Engineering
Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology
College Road
NADIAD   387001 (Gujarat) India
Tel : (O) +91 268 60502
      (R) +91 268 61025
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