SANSKRIT broadcasts/M.Muller

Michael Witzel witzel at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Sun Jun 25 20:15:40 UTC 2000

For those who like modern Sanskrit:


Allindia Radio broadcasts Sanskrit news every morning (since 1974),
at c. 9:30 pm  EST (Summer time), that is  c. 1:30 p.m.  UTC,
out of Delhi, on medium wave, relayed via internet at:

choose live audio:

and again: live audio!

The news usually starts a little earlier, say at 9:28, as it is preceded by
the announcement, of various lengths, of long distance train delays at

Audio quality is 'medium', not FM.


There also is a Sanskrit broadcast  from Germany,
(by the international station, Deutsche Welle, Cologne):

I quote from their web site:

                      Within its Hindi Programme Deutsche Welle opens
fortnightly a very special  window: the Sanskrit-Programme. This 13 minute
programme in the ancient Indian language is unique. Deutsche Welle is the only
international broadcasting  station outside India to broadcast in Sanskrit.

The programme reports on developments and research in Indology-Studies as well
as on the results of big  international Sanskrit-conferences.

                     You can listen to the Sanskrit programme online.
                                                         15:45 UTC


This would be    =   11:45 a.m. EST (Summer) but the web site is of course
accesssible anytime.

                CLICK on: AUDIO on DEMAND, download the Sans1-1.ram
                and proceed from there
                This aparently does *not* work; and we should complain!!

I suggest to go to the Hindi program

                and select "audio on demand" which *does* work.

                Today's announcement says that the

Sanskrit broadcast occurs each second MONDAY,
thus either tomorrow, June 26, or July 3.


Incidentally, today's Hindi broadcast has a long section on Max Mueller and
provides the traditional or, if you  like, official view on his personality
and life (as naastika),
which is quite different from what has been bandied  about recently.


Otherwise you can listen to these  frequencies (usually not well audible
in North America due to propagation difficulties; the best chance in the
morning would be the highest frequency, 25 m (and higher : 11, 13,17 m, if
in use);
for Europe even 31m, and for Japan/Australia  41 or 49 m may do);
for S. Asia of course all of them:

25 m = 11,865  Mhz
31 m=   9, 5895 Mhz
41 m =  7.225 Mhz , 7,305 Mhz
49 m=  6170 Mhz
Medium wave 1548 Khz  (out of Sri Lanka, I think)


Good luck tomorrow!


Michael Witzel
Department of Sanskrit & Indian Studies, Harvard University
2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge MA 02138, USA

ph. 1- 617-496 2990 (also messages)
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